Our Mission
The mission of Grace Baptist Church flows out of the mission of God. God’s purpose is to reconcile and restore his lost and broken creation. Through Jesus Christ, God has acted to save us from sin and death, and to form a new humanity, the people of God’s new creation. Our church’s mission is to proclaim and practice this good news of God’s saving love for the world, so that individuals may confess Jesus as Lord and Savior, and come into the life of God’s kingdom.
Our Beliefs
Though we are part of Christ’s one church throughout the world, our distinctive beliefs and practices are best expressed by the 1963 Baptist Faith and Message. Our core convictions are also demonstrated by the ministries and agencies with which we partner.
Our History
Our church’s history is a testimony to the faithfulness of God, who has guided us and provided for us across the years. To read more about the first 40 years of our congregation’s story (1958-1998), click here.
Our Leadership
Everyone in our congregation is called to participate in God’s mission of reconciliation, and is empowered and equipped by the Holy Spirit for their part in our work. Our church’s leaders guide us and enable us as we live out Christ’s call, individually and together.
Rev. Kevin Holder
Ronnie Strickland
Chairperson, Fellowship of Deacons
Willis Proper
Music Leader
Jenny Boswell
Church Secretary